About BanShockCollars.ca
The intent of this site, in the short term, is to discourage people from using shock devices to train and manage their pets. In the long term it is our aim to campaign for legislation to ban the sale and use of shock collars as other enlightened countries such as Wales have done. Assembled are policies, studies, advisements and news stories that expose shock collars as cruel and inhumane devices designed to cause animal’s pain. We hope the information assembled here will motivate people to seek out kind, non-violent ways of interacting with animals. We believe people who have been misled by people promoting shock collars will see from the evidence we present here the risks and dangers of electric shock use and throw away their shock collars. Please help us affect change by supporting a ban.
Although there are many organizations using terms and names that imply they are dedicated to the well being of animals, they are in fact, simply moneymaking ventures. There will also be those individuals who use animal welfare organizations simply as a way of gaining employment or a means to pad their resumes. It is difficult to weed out those individuals and organizations from those who are sincere, genuine and congruent in their words and actions. It is after all the reason we need animal welfare groups in the first place, to protect animals from people. Our belief is that the policies presented here come from esteemed organizations and individuals who are courageous enough to speak out. Collectively they represent hundreds of years of experience and knowledge in the course of their service to the welfare of animals throughout the world. This is not about our differences this is about our commonalities. United we could be a movement that can make great change. We extend a deep thank you to everyone who has contributed.
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...the use of shock interferes with and suppresses normal canine behavior...
Karen Overall ABS, ACVB
...shock collars are associated with short-term and long-term negative consequences including fear and anxiety... Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
...“we disagree with all shock devices”... Toronto Humane Society
...these collars are at minimum, painful, and in many cases, torturous... Kathy Sdao MA, ACAAB
...“we are completely opposed to shock training”...BCSPCA
...this is an archaic and ineffective way to train dogs... Janice Crook DVM
...“shock collars have no place in a civilised society”... The Kennel Club UK
The more gadgets and training apparatuses you need, the worse trainer you are…Anders Hallgren, Author; Psychologist & Animal Behaviorist
...disguising violence by labelling shock collars as training tools or by calling static charge devices is nothing short of endorsing animal cruelty... Soraya V. Juarbe-Diaz, DVM
...the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine never recommends the use of shock... Sharon Crowell-Davis DVM, PHD, DACVB
...a shock collar can dramatically worsen existing behavioral problems and create new problems... E. Kathryn Meyer, VMD
There is no place for electronic collars in training a dog or cat (yes, there are collars for cats)... Darlene Arden, Certified Animal Behavior Consultant
Can Shock Collars Burn?
by Jan Casey, MS, Dip CBST
"It has been claimed that the discharge from shock collars does not contain enough energy to cause a burn. I will concede that a properly-operating shock–collar should not cause burns. 'Should not' is not the same as 'can not." full article here

The Kennel Club UK, the oldest recognized kennel club in the world, believes shock collars have no place in a civilized society. They do not endorse the use of remote shock collars, shock leashes, anti-bark collars, electric fences or mats. The Kennel Club was instrumental in the Welsh government's recent ban of shock collars and is diligently campaigning for a similar ban in the UK. If you have relatives and friends in the UK, please ask them to get involved and support The Kennel Club's admirable efforts in this regard.
Efficacy Of Dog Training With And Without Remote Electronic Collars Vs. A Focus On Positive Reinforcement
Lucy China, Daniel S. Mills and Jonathan J. Cooper, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Animal Behaviour, Cognition and Welfare Research Group, School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, United Kingdom, July 22, 2020
excerpt ... Our results demonstrate through direct evidence from real life situations, that the reward-focused training was, indeed, more efficient than methods which included potentially aversive stimuli such as electric stimuli or excessive lead pressure. Whilst our results may reflect general differences in training style of the trainer groups involved in the study rather than use of E-collar per se, we would argue that because the trainers who used E-collars were put forward by industry representatives as exemplars of best practice; their data (at least in relation to E-collar use) should be taken to represent a best case scenario for professional E-collar training. It is likely that less experienced trainers and owners would be less skilled and thus less effective in their use of the device Study Here
To read more Studies and their conclusive analysis that the consequences of shock use causes both psychological and physical pain and suffering... click on STUDIES
Correct Usage for All E Training Collars
What we've done so far

Over the last 11 years we have worked diligently to stop the cruel and unnecessary use of shock collars for training and managing pets. Over 10,000 petition signatures have been presented to the Canadian Parliament by four separate MP’s on four different occasions all requesting a national ban on shock collars. For more about our activities, please check out the ’Taking Action Page’ here.
Fight For Tougher Legislation In Canada
As a civilized nation, we are accountable for those in our world that need protection.
Unfortunately, Canada’s cruelty laws enacted in 1892 are ineffective. They allow animal exploiters the loopholes they need to escape prosecution, allowing them to continue to hurt animals. How frustrating must this be for law enforcement and animal welfare groups working tirelessly to stop animal abuse? Afflicted animals have no escape. They must rely on us to relieve their suffering. Those causing their pain are relying on us to do nothing. Let’s disappoint them.