GLOBAL SHOCK COLLAR PETITION – Everyone is welcome to sign
If you believe that shock collars cause needless suffering to animals then speak out. This is not about condemning any one group; it is about condemning the unwarranted use of shock devices. To add your voice to this movement, please complete the ballot below. Our intention is to use this protestation to lobby against those who promote, supply and sell shock devices to be used on animals.

Global Shock Collar Petition - Residents of all Countries please sign
We the undersigned oppose the sale and use of shock collars on all animals. We condemn the use of any shock device that an animal cannot escape from. Ample expert testimony, documented evidence and scientific studies are available that explicitly affirms the fact that shocking animals causes mental and physical agony and injury. The many positive and effective alternative training methods render inflicting pain to train unnecessary. Using shock devices to train any sentient being is unconscionable.